A broad range of fiction is available at http://drewkitty.dreamwidth.org/
I will eventually migrate a few non-fiction pieces there to here, and mine my various hard drives, posts, Usenet, etc. for fiction to post there.
Please don't get confused by some of the fiction I write. My viewpoint characters are unreliable narrators and I rarely agree with any of their opinions.
This post brought to you by a nightmare I had recently -- all of my characters versus me in a dark alley, with them knowing that I was the author of their suffering.
2019 Update: as I get a little more organized, I expect that this will be the preview site for my formally E-published novels, of which I have literally stacks sitting around on hard drives.
It's not that I write the stuff to make money. I write the stuff for fun. But letting this content rot seems to me to be a waste. Throw it out there, see if it sticks.