Saturday, September 1, 2018

Defining Human

Lord Nelson, of Royal Navy fame, was quoted thusly:

"There are three things, young gentlemen, which you are constantly to bear in mind. Firstly, you must always implicitly obey orders, without attempting to form any opinion of your own respecting their propriety. Secondly, you must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your king; and thirdly, you must hate a Frenchman, as you do the devil."

I'm going to tease these apart a bit. We have a different understanding of orders and of duty than Lord Nelson did - it is precisely the duty of a military officer, or anyone in authority, to weigh the orders they have been given against their deep obligation to their nation and humanity. We executed men at Nuremberg for 'following orders.' An order to charge a machine-gun is stil lawful; an order to turn that machine-gun on women and children is not.

The third - to hate a Frenchman - I will pass over to get back to later.

"You must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your [K]ing."

Despite various flirtations over the centuries, from Washington to Kennedy, America has rejected the temptations of royalty. The American King is everyone, the everyman (and everywoman), the People. "Government of the People, for the People and by the People."

So my text today, in this written sermon - for I cannot pretend that this is anything but a sermon - is those who speak ill of the [P]eople, individually and collectively.

I see so much hatred and dehumanization and othering going on. Left and right may disagree on who is to be thrown off the bus (or under its wheels), but we are engaged in a society-wide Lifeboat Exercise, in which the unfit or unworthy or ideologically unclean are to be tossed over the side so that the fit and worthy and pure may sail on into a better, brighter tomorrow.

I want to be as clear as possible, so that there cannot be any misunderstanding.

Fuck. That. Shit.

We cannot change the definition of human to fit economic, ideological or political convenience. The homeless person crushed by roadside machinery is just as much a person as a tiki-torch waving Nazi as an anti-gun politician as a veteran with PTSD off his meds as a junkie breaking into a house as a police officer who moonlights as a pole dancer on her days off.

We're all human. Every single one. No ticket to ride is required. We are all on this bus, and if you throw someone off because they are inconvenient, who is to say that you won't consider tossing me next?

We the People. Taste it. Let it roll off your tongue. Feel it. That guy who robbed the bank - a People. That robber who owns a bank - also People. The crooked politician and the crooks who elected him - People all.

We abandon that, we abandon that which makes us human, which makes us fit to walk on two legs instead of crawling on four.

"Dreamers" you say. Baloney! Victims of a bureaucratic train wreck, children raised in one country with the citizenship of another. Fuck the Democrats for using them as pawns; fuck the Republicans for using them as scapegoats - but Demopublicans and Repubrocrats are humans too. Where is the hue and cry?

"Undocumented minors" you say. Balls! Children. CHILDREN. I remember when America held up the golden lamp beside the door. Children!

"Nazis" I hear the cry. There is no one in 21st century America whom Hitler or Goebbels would have deemed worthy to lick their boots, may their souls burn in the fires of a billion hells. Mentally ill, scared, deluded people. Worthy of punching when and if they do something punchworthy, and not before.

"[CENSORED]" Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full. Please take your social, religious, ethnic and genetic hatreds, fold them until they are all sharp corners, and carefully fit them into your anal cavity.

We need to stop throwing people off the lifeboat.

I can only think of one way to do it, to break the habits of people who are becoming so much better at hate than at love.

In answer to Nelson:

Hug a Frenchman. Hug a Muslim. Hug a Nazi. Hug a leftist. Hug a pedophile. Hug a politician. Hug a thug.

Hug the unhuggable. Hug the Other. Hug the enemy.

Didn't Jesus say something about that? "Loving your neighbor is easy. Even those [asshats] over there do that. Love your enemy."

Find that person you despise, that tribe you fear, and (or course with consent) reaffirm your humanity and theirs.

Churchill said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

I'm going to supplement that.

"We have nothing to hate but hate itself."

So get out in that pit and love someone.

Don't be stupid about it. They still may want to kill you and your tribe and destroy your culture and heritage. But make them work for it.

Hit them with the most powerful weapons we have.

Respect. Mercy. Hope.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Fake Lies

In south Florida, people are dead after a horrible crime. They never had a chance. Despite frantic efforts, nothing will bring them back. All we can do is prevent the next one.

Do we ban engineers, universities, footbridges or cranes?

Probably not the crime you were expecting. But doing stress testing on a newly installed structure above live traffic is nothing less.

Recently we had a nationwide Walk Out organized (and paid for) by powerful organizations: Soros and Bloomberg to be specific. Having been involved in "grass roots" political efforts, I know exactly how much time, money and effort is required to pull off a Nationwide Day of Anything. It's sustained efforts by hundreds of people with a budget of millions.

You have almost certainly not heard that yesterday was AR-15 Day, or mARch 15th. But there was a huge one day spike in firearm background checks as millions of Americans rushed down to their gun shops and bought firearms in fear of the next wave of newly proposed laws, which will make as much difference as the last set. Zero equals zero. And the newly purchased guns... also zero.

This is not a subject in which facts matter. We have evolved a whole new language of Orwellian double think - "alt facts," "fake news," "false flag" - to hide the underlying fact that we are in a cultural war and truth is already a battle casualty.

I have gone to some trouble to monitor on social media, using exemplars, memes from numerous angles. If you are already on the Left, your feeds were bombarded with variations on "The Teens Will Save Us." If you are already on the Right, your feeds were bombarded with edge cases: students misbehaving instead of protesting, students suspended for refusing to protest, students suspended for pro-2nd Amendment protesting. Note that the truth of any particular story is irrelevant.

My academic training is in social ecology with a strong side of criminology.

Most of what has been said about gun control is crap.

Most of what has been said about guns in schools is crap.

Most of what has been said about active shooter response is crap.

The handful of genuine experts are drowned out in a sea of sepsis. Consider that an unbiased gun control expert is like a tobacco researcher or to use an older phrase, a whore with a heart of gold. The few we have we should truly treasure.

Recently, a reserve police officer and politician decided to teach his high school students disarm techniques with a loaded handgun and committed a negligent discharge. This is almost certainly NOT the story that you have heard. Most media reporting states "armed teacher," some questions the narrative by adding "police officer" but you have to dig deep to discover the depths of stupidity lurking behind the narrative.

Everyone responds to this incident according to their biases. "See, guns in schools are dangerous!" "He should neither be a teacher nor a cop!"

Genuine analysis of the facts on the ground is rare. It doesn't sell clicks and ad impressions. It takes effort to sift truth from lies. It takes local expertise to sort through what he thought he was doing versus what he had the authority to do.

There is a most disturbing trend for social media to start censoring perspectives they disagree with. This is being called a response to fake news. One recent effort involves using Wikipedia, a crowd sourced encyclopedia, to vet postings to YouTube, a video publisher. I could weep but the ocean is made of tears.

I won't have the effort to get past this type of censorship. I'll be lucky to be able to point it out after it happens, because nuking accounts is the primary method.

After the Patriot Act was passed, librarians started putting up signs warning patrons that their library records could be reviewed by government agents and that libraries could not tell them if this had happened. After the first government visit, the signs were taken down, to warn people without breaking the law.

This is my Patriot Act sign.

I am going to continue to try, with limited time and no budget, to share my perspective when opportunity permits. I don't charge to read my views nor do I insist on them. Enjoy or ignore, your choice.

When I go dark, it will either be Author Existence Failure (which I don't plan on any time soon) ... or a Fake News algorithm deciding for you that I am unfit to read.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Gulag Norteamericano?

I have been re-reading the Gulag Archipelago as preparation for coming attractions, and ran across some interesting tidbits.

The Russians managed to create a truly massive change between 1920 and 1950 in the fabric of their nation. The peasantry were uprooted (the dreaded kulak), the intellectuals exiled, the brave expended ("It takes a very brave man to not be a hero in my army" - Stalin), and the survivors welded into a shambling zombie imitation of a 20th century industrialized nation.

It only cost thirty million dead. It remains a point of pride with some that the Russians had no formal execution camps and no gas chambers. The Gulag was not so personal as that. A wheezing engine running on human fuel, it piled up its corpses not through deliberate acts but through the most banal of human evils - the desire to make quota, the individual urge to survive pitted against the collective, the Russian prison culture that forbade any thief to work to expand the prison but allowed him to steal a zek's ("political" or Article 58 prisoner) clothes and bread and watch with indifference as he froze in the snow.

I must not discount Germany's contribution to the count, on the battlefield and behind the lines and in POW and extermination camps. But consider this: if you deserted the Soviet Army, you were shot. If you were a partisan and you could not prove your loyalty to Communism, you were shot. (If you could, you were exiled - we need no one with guerrilla training around here!) If you were a Soviet POW and survived, you were imprisoned on your return to Soviet control. (Traitor! Why did you not die?!? You did not do the utmost for Mother Russia! To Siberia with you!)

Generously let us suppose that German operations cost ten million lives.

That leaves another twenty million for ... ahem ... domestic consumption.

It can surprise no one that weapons regulations were a Big Deal in the Soviet Union. Guards became zeks for losing their issued weapons. Confiscation was constant and a single round of ammunition could get you a "tenner" (10 years) -- actually resisting with brandished arms would get a "quarter" (25 years) -- and fighting back would get you shot on the spot. Note that few zeks survived their sentences, one way or another.

Dogs were (and remain) a huge part of the prison industrial complex. Privately owned dogs, however, were not. Dogs are loyal to their owners. Individualism. A dog knows nothing of the State and fears not. Therefore all privately owned dogs which somehow came to the negative attention of the Organs (and what a loaded term that is to describe the not so secret police!) were promptly shot.

What I did not realize is that banning self-defense and encouraging private crime was an essential part of the newly established social controls. Stealing from the state was treason, an Article 58. Stealing from private persons in a country making a taboo of private property was ... trivial by comparison. Six months or a year, if that. But if you resisted being a victim of a crime, there was no right of self defense until _after_ you had actually been injured! Thievery was rampant in both freedom and in the camps. The margin of survival was thin - stealing a man's bread was the same as stealing his life.

Another parallel: a prisoner's life belongs to the State and therefore murdering a prisoner is depriving the State of its property. Administrators and guards were actually punished at times for these deaths. But in fights among prisoners, the murder of another prisoner was a tenner or a quarter -- with the oddity that your new offense started the clock over. If you were on a tenner and had served three years, then caught another tenner (for murder or for not cooperating with Security or for anti Soviet behavior as testified to by an informer), your total sentence was 13 years not 20. So the negative incentive for killing was so low that thieves would occasionally kill someone at random merely to transfer out of boredom or to spend winter in a warmer, larger camp.

An interesting side effect in the late 1940s was that the thieves and the politicals united in hatred of informers. Previously, thieves could be counted on to help keep politicals under control. But suddenly a huge wave of stabbings swept the prison system and while the offender could be a thief or a political, the dead were invariably ... informers. The thief would take their new sentence whistling. The political was less cheerful but at least as courageous. (Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome fear...)

In desperation the administration instituted the death penalty for prisoner-on-prisoner murder. It continued anyway - life was too cheap. There was only one solution. Stalin's death of course helped; the war's end helped; the new need to process millions of people, some battle hardened definitely helped ... but in that decade between 1945 and 1955, the Gulag did the one thing that no zek could imagine.

Improved conditions. Adequate food. Medical supplies. Commissions that reviewed conditions and cases, with power to make changes. Prisoners completing their sentences and being released, either locally ("exiles") or in some cases even back to Russia. An end to 'tenners' and 'quarters' handed out with abandon.

The Gulag wrested back control from the prisoners with the most dangerous weapon of all. Hope.

It is a truism in SERE ("Survival, Evasion, Resistance & Escape") that the best time to escape enemy control is immediately after capture. The enemy's control over you is weakest, friendly lines are as close as they will ever be, you are in the best physical condition of your captivity (even if wounded!) and enemy line troops are least well equipped to control prisoners.

Very few people escaped Gulag, despite such weak internal controls that one man transferred between camps not only had to push his drunken guard ahead of him in a wheelbarrow, but had to take care of his rifle so the guard would not pick up a charge for losing it.

One man was condemned to Gulag for saying aloud, just once, "The Soviet Union is one big camp!" Yet it was so very true - and the truth was worth at least a "quarter." Having escaped, there was nowhere to go!

Once the borders are closed and the camps are built, it is very late in the game. These are factors to watch.

Why am I concerned that it might happen here?

If you have read this far, you probably know why for yourself. But just in case...

There is nothing more dangerous than an idealist who vows to save you from yourself. Greed has limits. Idealism does not.

I don't particularly fear Trump. The Republic has survived cretins before and will again.

I fear the _backlash_ from Trump. I fear the people who will rush forward to build their more perfect world on the bones of the old. And I am nothing but firewood to them. So are you.

Somewhere, someone is sketching out that Brave New World -- and how to secure the borders and where to put the camps. To whoever that is, I have a uniquely Russian phrase. "Yob tvoyu mat!"

I'm too old to spend my declining years picking fruit. But that may be luxury itself compared to other options.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Drewkitty's Fiction

Drewkitty's Fiction:

A broad range of fiction is available at

I will eventually migrate a few non-fiction pieces there to here, and mine my various hard drives, posts, Usenet, etc. for fiction to post there.

Please don't get confused by some of the fiction I write. My viewpoint characters are unreliable narrators and I rarely agree with any of their opinions.

This post brought to you by a nightmare I had recently -- all of my characters versus me in a dark alley, with them knowing that I was the author of their suffering.

2019 Update: as I get a little more organized, I expect that this will be the preview site for my formally E-published novels, of which I have literally stacks sitting around on hard drives.

It's not that I write the stuff to make money. I write the stuff for fun. But letting this content rot seems to me to be a waste. Throw it out there, see if it sticks.