Thursday, February 28, 2019

still out there - Dillary and Honald

[ first published Oct. 4th, 2016 03:41 pm ]

drewkitty: (minifesto) [personal profile] drewkitty

If I had written a story in 1991 or 1994 in which I supposed that former Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be running neck and neck for the Presidency with Donald Trump as the Republican candidate, I would have had my story laughed off of whatever forum I posted it in.

Real life is stranger than fiction.

Rule 34 exists: there is slash fic of Hillary and Donald.

I accept no responsibility for the eyeballs or brain contents of anyone who clicks on that link.

I must leave it to your conscience how to vote. But I am asking you to vote, and to be sure to vote.

Otherwise, the more dystopian futures I've written about will be that much more likely to come to pass.

"America must win this war. Therefore, I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone." -- Private Martin A. Treptow, 168th Infantry of the 42nd Division ("Rainbow Division"), born 19 January 1894 in Wisconsin, killed in action 28 July 1918 at Croix Rouge Farm, France How tragic if we were to win the wars and lose the peace.

2019 Update: this was migrated from a non fiction post on dreamwidth.

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